Being a mother is one of the most rewarding, tiring, amazing, roles I've ever had. I have two incredible little (big) boys and they are my world. There's not a day that goes by that my heart isn't overwhelmed by love for them. They are kind, loving, thoughtful and sincere. I'm doing my best to raise nice boys, with good values and moral. Who treat people with respect, which they do. They are my greatest accomplishment. And on that note, as mother's we do so much. SO MUCH. I don't know a mom out there that doesn't have a "to do" list that could wrap around their house... We give so much to create a loving and safe home, that we usually forget about ourselves. I know I'm the last on my list every time, which is normal, but doesn't make it right. SO I decided as a mother, we need to celebrate our amazingness more often. We need to help build each other up with support and love and not compete with another. One of the ways I felt I could do something about this is to offer a session that reflects on your bond with your children. Many of us are busy taking the photos of our kids that WE don't ever get in the frame with them. Their childhoods are well documented through Facebook and Instagram, but rarely are us mom's in the photos too. There's a few feeds I follow on Instagram that encourage women to get in the frame, and have these moments for our children for when they're older to look back on. I love the idea and what it stands for. I for one, am the worst at being in photos. I always feel like I'm not looking good that day, or my hair isn't done, or I feel too fat.. I can think of so many excuses as to why I shouldn't be photographed, which I think a lot of us struggle with, but in all honesty, our children look at us with the most incredible eyes. They see us as their everything, and as the most beautiful person they've ever laid eyes on.... I could go on and on about this. I am making many attempts at being in photos with my boys. And trust me, I don't always like them, but at least I'm trying...
Anyhow, I have had a few of these sessions and have more coming soon. They melt my heart, and I feel very honoured to do these for these mama's. Here's a few from the first one I did. So playful and light hearted with plenty of cuddles in between. My mantra for the way I take these images is "to capture moments I would want to have of myself and my children/family/love. Real moments, real emotion, real joy, real love."