March Madness...?

Hello friends,

It has truly been too long since I’ve found the time to blog. A lot has happened, including having a baby - who is already 1… I know I am so bad at keeping up on this side of things, but now that I have all this down time, I will try my best to go through some past sessions here.

I just wanted to address our current situation. Our world is in a very fragile state right now. This virus, covid-19, is unlike anything I’ve experienced in my life and to be honest it never crossed my mind that something so big could happen. I remember SARS, H1N1, and the ebola breakout in Africa, but I never imagined something bigger than it all, affecting us the way it is. Each day we wait in anticipation for the news about our own province and how many more cases we have. It consumes us, as my big boys and I read article after article regarding it, soaking in as much information as we can. I can’t even imagine how some of the harder hit countries are doing. Mentally it’s more than anyone should be able to handle, being unable to mourn with family due to the lockdown rules in effect. My heart truly goes out to everyone who is dealing with this.

As far as my family goes, we are living the bubble life. Leaving the house is only done every 4 days or stand that’s only to get groceries, and only one of us goes. Minimizing time away is our way of helping flatten the curve as well as protecting ourselves. It also brings great sadness knowing I won’t be able to schedule any sessions during this time. I feel it’s everyones job right now to listen and respect the social distancing recommendations that have been put in place. We have gone out for walks, but we definitely are not going to interact with people. Trying to maintain some sense of physical activity is high on my list of priorities, and fresh air does wonders to refreshing your soul.

As I’m nearing the end of editing my last session before this new way of life came to be, I’m sad knowing I won’t get to create these moments for you. I’m sad I won’t get to see so many family’s that had booked, and meeting baby’s that are born. I’m lucky in a sense that I have had the ability to follow my passion and create a business out of it, but in times like these it’s definitely a downfall as I no longer have any income coming in for my family. (and yes, I know its always been a risk owning my own business, I’m not looking for sympathy) I’m more sad at the fact that I won’t see any of you for an uncertain amount of time.

We have no idea how long this is going to last. I read articles that say at least 8 months, then I see others that say up to 18 months. All I can say is that I hope you are all well. I hope your families stay safe & healthy, and I hope you come around to my Instagram (@chelseabroda_photography) and say hi! Tell me how you are, and what you’re doing to pass the time.

Also I just wanted to put it out there how grateful I am to all the workers on the front lines including doctors, nurses, janitors, grocery store workers and truckers who are doing their best to keep us all afloat.


Winter in Canada

As everyone is well aware, winter in Canada is long and cold. We have weeks at a time in Calgary that we can't leave the house without 5 layers on with minimal skin exposure. The winter ninja look is something I feel I've perfected. BUT living in Calgary we also get chinooks ( for those of you unaware, a chinook is a warm pressure system of air that comes over the Rocky Mountains, that warms us, like 20-30 degree temperature shifts overnight) And with those comes all the chance and opportunity to get out and enjoy our winter wonderland. I love when families want to do winter sessions as it truly is so beautiful. The  sparkling snow and the low glowing sun enhance these images and help create such a magical ambiance. 

The Cross family was more than willing to be outside and take a chance with our weather. These three were so sweet and beautiful, about to celebrate Aria's first birthday. She was the cutest and has the most stunning clear blue eyes. So happy and full of smiles. It was so fun hanging out with them and capturing their love. We were at a new location (to me) and I loved how they turned out. Right along the elbow river, a beautiful little park/garden area. Now mind you, it was winter and snow covered everything, but it was gorgeous, and they were ready for this. Such naturals in front of my camera, and spending their time doting on each other and their sweet baby girl. We had a great a time and I really loved the way these turned out. Winter sessions can be just as beautiful as summer and fall ones, and this one is among a favourite of mine. 

Here's a few of our time together

Turning my camera on mom and dad in these sessions is one of my favourite things to do. Usually its been since their wedding day (for the most part) that they've had any one on one photos done. Its very easy to get caught up with the daily activities and whirlwind that life is with children, so taking a few minutes and capturing their bond and connection is important to me. I love capturing the way the man looks at his love. These two were still just as smitten with each other as I can imagine they were when they first fell in love, and capturing their love was easy. 

We ended the session with a few more shots of all of them together, capturing their laughter and joy as they celebrated the first year of being a family of three. 


Tracy + Basil - Engagement

As Valentine's Day approaches, I can't help but love love, and reminiscing about a couple who was everything that stands for love. The first time I met Tracy, I knew we'd be a good fit. Her energy was so kind and genuinely happy, and the way she spoke about her family, and the man she was about to marry said it all. Our ideas and vision was so in tune that I knew it was going to be so wonderful working with them.

We picked a beautiful evening in July to do their engagement session at a most incredible location. Now I'd heard about this place from a few people, but never ventured to check it out. I'm so glad I did as it's one of the most beautiful locations I've ever seen. It's somewhat of a secret garden just outside downtown. Now you'd never know it from the outside looking in. Completely secluded from the world around you with the most intricate stone paths, leading from garden to garden with the most beautiful flowers of every color. Seriously I was in heaven when I went to have a look with my boys before hand. 

The evening of the session was pure magic, Tracy and Basil exude love and devotion. I loved their connection with each other and the way they looked at each other and laughed together. True love that has an incredible foundation. I knew after this session that their wedding was going to be amazing, full of romance and emotion. I was right..

I'll get to their wedding in a separate post... one day!