I will start to blog again.... I will start to blog again...

I will start to blog again

I will start to blog again

I could write that 100 times. I SHOULD write that over and over again until it becomes a normal occurrence. 

Hey guys,

it has been too long. I have been really terrible at keeping up this end of things. I'm not sure why it happened, being too busy shouldn't be an excuse, but really thats the only thing I can think of. 

I've just recently purchased a brand new MacBook Air, and now have no excuse. I can work from anywhere. So I will. I always love going through other photos blogs, seeing the photos, reading the posts, feeling the emotional connection to the story they are telling. I understand that blogs really do make a difference. So without further ado, I will be back blogging... (once I have my files transferred over to this) 

I have lots of shoots to catch up on, and lots of upcoming ones to be excited about. I will be back and will have something up (with photos) soon! 
